Maximizing Efficiency: A Guide to Caching in Jest, Prettier, ESLint, and TypeScript

📅 Published: Thomas Queste

Cache all the things! Speed up your development workflow by enabling caching for Jest, Prettier, ESLint, and TypeScript, both locally and in your CI.


  • Set up a .cache folder in your project
  • Keep Jest’s cache across restart, --cacheDirectory .cache/jest/
  • Enable ESLint’s cache --cache --cache-location .cache/eslint/
  • Enable Prettier’s cache --cache --cache-location .cache/prettier/
  • Enable TypeScript incremental builds
  • CI: store the .cache folder across builds

Cache folder

Store all cache files in a .cache folder at your project’s root This folder will be useful to fasten your workflow locally, keep your project clean, and in the CI by storing .cache across builds.

First step, add .cache to your .gitignore:

echo ".cache" >> .gitignore

Jest’s cache

Jest’s cache is enabled by default, but it’s kept in /tmp by default, so not kept across restarts and lost in the CI.

Keep the cache by specifying a cache directory:

  "jest": {
    "cacheDirectory": ".cache/jest"

Alternative on the command line:

npx jest --cacheDirectory .cache/jest

Eslint’s cache

From the ESLint docs:

Store the info about processed files in order to only operate on the changed ones. Enabling this option can dramatically improve ESLint’s run time performance by ensuring that only changed files are linted.

Run ESLint with the cache enabled, and specify the cache location:

npx eslint --cache --cache-location .cache/eslint/

In your CI, you will want to change the cache strategy for content. The default is metadata, which is faster, but the file modification date change in the CI (due to Git clone), and the cache will not be used.

npm run lint -- --cache --cache-location .cache/eslint/ --cache-strategy content

Prettier’s cache

Prettier’s cache is disabled by default, but you can enable it with --cache. You can also set the location of the cache, and the cache strategy.

npx prettier --cache --cache-location .cache/prettier/

As for ESLint, you can change the cache strategy for content in your CI:

npm run format -- --cache --cache-location .cache/prettier/ --cache-strategy content

Typescript’s cache

Typescript uses .tsbuildinfo files placed that cannot be placed in .cache from what I know.

From the TypeScript docs:

Tells TypeScript to save information about the project graph from the last compilation to files stored on disk.

Add to your tsconfig.json:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "incremental": true


In your CI, you will want to store the .cache folder across builds.

This can be achieved easily, using Magnetikonline’s ActionNodeModules cache, that will cache node_modules and any additional path you specify.

- name: Setup Node.js with node_modules cache
  id: node-with-cache
  uses: magnetikonline/action-node-modules-cache@v2
    node-version-file: .nvmrc
    additional-cache-path: |
- name: Install npm packages
  if: steps.node-with-cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
  run: npm ci


By enabling cache for Jest, Prettier, ESLint, and TypeScript, you can speed up your development workflow. And you can also make your CI faster! 🚀

Alternative tools exist, like Biome, providing format and lint in the same tool, ultra-fast thanks to Rust, but quite limited in terms of linting rules for now.

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